i believe so. it's purely monopolistic behavior.

what is truly bothersome about this is that it can set a precedent for future cases involving possibly other manufacturers whenever they launch a product that happen to have the same features as theirs.

apple may get away with getting features from the android system because it is open source and google encourages developers to create freely within the android environment. read somewhere that the pull down notifications that apple also uses now is from android. there are also reports that LG's prada phone which came out way before the iphone looked very similar to it. so who is copying who?


according to this article, https://www.geek.com/articles/mobile/apple-vs-samsung-what-does-the-verd...

The fun thing about jury trials is that your job isn’t to present the facts. Your job is to convince a group of total strangers that are not connected to or aware of you in any measurable way that your side of the story is right.

with the way these companies are suing each other all over the world, is it possible to have (or does there already exist) an international court equipped to mediate on issues of global trade? i don't believe these cases should be filed in normal city courts. the jury may have been made up of relatively technical people but unless they are industry insiders they wouldn't have properly understood everything discussed. i actually want to know more about the details of the case but i found my nose bleeding when i saw terms like 'trade dress' and 'prior art'