Segmund i know u know how to read.. Read my last two words so u will understand that im 'just sharing' NOT trying to connect with the topic. Im just so glad that i am able to help someone who is not my kababayan and and also a QLer. That is the right way to help unlike ur client (MIMH) which happens to be the same the way u compose ur sentences and the same thinking as yours, who wanted to help by stating the truth according to him, through attacking and bashing other people & races. In this thread i just noticed Moza & YOU have a similar way of composing ur statements. Basing on ur loooonnnggg comments here.. The way u make each & every paragraph, the number of paragraphs u make, the choice of words are really similar...Is that coincidence or i am right that u & moza r one? And of all the topic that u can post u preferred this one. Why? to see the reaction of QLers about ur other account? Just saying...