Even if the OP's stories are not true, anyone who has lived in Qatar for some time has heard similar credible stores.

The fact is that Qatar is not safe. Few places are, and the outward appearance of safety (promoted by the government, low rate of victims reporting crimes in this culture, and the media's lack of reporting any real crime) makes Qatar all that much more dangerous.

Driving is extremely dangerous not because of environmental conditions but because people break the law and criminally endanger others.

Fires kill people regularly because of poor constructions and lack of inspections for safety.

Maids are assaulted because Qatar has a sponsorship system that gives too much power to the employers and considers master and servant unequal before the law.

I remember last year a circular being sent to parents from my kids' school that a suspicious person was driving around town trying to lure children into his car. This was alarming, but what was more alarming that similar warning were issued by other schools with incredibly detailed reports about his appearance, vehicle, etc. The guy kept appearing at schools throughout the year. Why wasn't he caught. Why was there no public report/warning?