Normally your car will feel heavy because the pump work hard since the fuel filter stucked (original rexton fuel filter located under the car chasis below steering column) not changed.
This filter is only qr80 at al nael. But better to change with mercedes part which much more bigger and cheaper at any european car sparepart shop.
Next symtom is ignition relay inside engine bay fuse box may start blowing anyhow normally we just can short circuit it.
This fuel pump located under back seat behind driver side. A small opening from inside the car.
Damaged pump normally have a continuity low ohmage to body ground.
This pump cost around 980qr without bracket which you can use the old braket to secure it.
One more common problem which many of the rx320 facing is noise at front tyres. This normally happened if you change the brake pad to non original type or the existing brake pad wear at 80%. countermeasure is just to cut off the protruding metal at disk side.
I forgot.. For fuelpump problem.
Normally your car will feel heavy because the pump work hard since the fuel filter stucked (original rexton fuel filter located under the car chasis below steering column) not changed.
This filter is only qr80 at al nael. But better to change with mercedes part which much more bigger and cheaper at any european car sparepart shop.
Next symtom is ignition relay inside engine bay fuse box may start blowing anyhow normally we just can short circuit it.
This fuel pump located under back seat behind driver side. A small opening from inside the car.
Damaged pump normally have a continuity low ohmage to body ground.
This pump cost around 980qr without bracket which you can use the old braket to secure it.
One more common problem which many of the rx320 facing is noise at front tyres. This normally happened if you change the brake pad to non original type or the existing brake pad wear at 80%. countermeasure is just to cut off the protruding metal at disk side.