Wow.. 200kms per day? Daily dukhan or las raffan doha maybe?

My rexton is only around 30-50kms daily.

Now school holiday, just sleeping.

Yes, the sign of at gearbox failure is just like you were saying above.

Rx320 have two types of gear box. 4 speed foward one speed reverse and 5 speed foward and two speed reverse.

Four speed foward type always had this problem.

Those gearbox is made in australia.

The engine is very good. Mercedes s320 year 1998-2002 type, far more better that musso.

Rexton L6 engine have vantelated cooling opening between waterway or coolant passageway compare with musso.

But it is good if you can just remove off the thermostat at it waterpump to make sure your engine run cool unobstructed always.

Cost for repair at al nael is quite expensive, that is why many ssangyong owner here in qatar prefer just to buy the spare part there and replace it out side.

One more thing, rx320 do not have a dip stick to check the atf level. So, just go to any outside workshop to open the inlet bolt and check the fluid level by finger.

Running in low level atf shall burn your propeller at clutch in few hundreds kms.