Mr Qatar,

I fully agree that Qatar has a low crime rate and Qataris deserve full recognition for that. The very fact that we are talking about the shooting is proof that it is not typical.

I would however have to disagree with your earlier comment that all road deaths are accidents and not crimes. An accident is 'any event that happens unexpectedly, without a deliberate....cause'. source

The simple truth is that most road deaths have a cause - poor quality driving by people. And we all know that this is avoidable if very simple measures were put in place and properly enforced. Hundreds of dead people young and old could still be going about their daily lives, thousands of husbands, wives, family members would not be grieving for the most senseless loss of all - to have your loved one taken because of bad road manners, being late for a meeting, or simply a constant 'I must be first in the queue' mentality - how ridiculously tragic!

I am not interested in finger pointing or attributing blame to one nationallity over another. It effects us all equally. We are all thrown together here and need to understand that we are different because of where we come from, not who we are. How can you blame somebody for where they come from? All societies are not the same in their behaviour or governance and it is naive to assume that this one should be a mirror of one where anyone else comes from. Hopefully in terms of traffic deaths however, change will happen sooner rather than later with the world focussing more and more on Qatar in the coming years. There is a responsibility on the government of the people not just to create laws, but to actually apply them. Otherwise they are a farce to be ignored with impunity as we see every day.
There are at least 20 of you out there today who will not be alive this time next month due to your or others' actions on the roads...
Until we take personal responsibility, and stop referring to these preventable crimes as accidents, we will continue to see the same scene playing out daily, just with new names and faces....