One shot said, "i still remember what was the purpose of the UN inspectors mission in Syria , it was to check if the regime is making crimes against the humanity ... however they agreed to go there and check by their OWN eyes. after 4 months all what they agreed on is to extend their mission 1 more month."

I think that for their own safety, they needed to say the right things to the Govt but discreetly report the truth. This would be a matter of strategy.

Currently, they are held up at their hotels due to the escalating violence, right? I recall there was one observer who earlier fled and spilled the beans on the monitoring that the Govt forces had trained on the UN observers themselves, even in the bathroom ..., on the "pretext of ensuring their safety". At that time, something is always better than nothing thus, the observers bravely continued their mission. At least with their presence there, the Govt was not totally free to act with impunity.

More effective strategies should be able to be formed with the recent defections of the Syrian Ambassadors to UAE and Cyprus and the earlier Ambassador to Iraq. Accurate intelligence of the ground situation in Syria is imperative for effective strategies to be executed.

May God be with the Syrian people.