it's beside the point..'it will take time so let's not try'..'they might sue us so let's not try'..i know you're just stating how it works..but as long as you keep letting it happen; the more mothers like her have to suffer..besides there's been more than one instance where the sheer will of individuals has made the US govt. move it's a** and get things done..the sheer number of laws named after people/victims is testimony..let's not be fatalistic saying 'nah can't do anything about that that's the way it is':-)..just offense buddy:-)
it's beside the point..'it will take time so let's not try'..'they might sue us so let's not try'..i know you're just stating how it works..but as long as you keep letting it happen; the more mothers like her have to suffer..besides there's been more than one instance where the sheer will of individuals has made the US govt. move it's a** and get things done..the sheer number of laws named after people/victims is testimony..let's not be fatalistic saying 'nah can't do anything about that that's the way it is':-)..just offense buddy:-)