DB2011 - while what you say may be true to a certain extent, it is important that the OP be aware of the very severe consequences to both herself and her partner if (and admittedly it is a big IF for most) they are reported to the authorities.

Do unmarried people live together here? Sure. Are they in company provided accomodation? (Meaning, surrounded by their work colleagues?)Maybe, but not often in my experience.

Also, some employers reserve the right to "inspect" company provided accomodation to prevent its misuse (certain employee grades of Qatar Air for example).

She sensibly realizes that she needs independent sponsorship and if she comes without work, she needs to be aware of the visa runs.

While not meaning to be negative, I can certainly see how one might take my post to be that way - I was trying to educate her on technically what the laws are and the repercussions.