LP...Its not possible all the time .. if you are destined to live maybe you have space to move your car...if you have a wall on the other side how will you avoid the accident?

I will give an example... a relative and a neighbor of mine..who was a college professor...goes to work by college bus..if the bus is full and if a student give him his seat he wont take it, he will be standing...one day he was having headache and asked one of his students to if he can sit in his seat and the boy immediately got up and the next moment the bus met with an accident and the only person died in that accident was him ..many of them got injured...but only he died... do you think he could have made a better choice in this situation?

Tinker... only if you are destined to have good choices the options will be available to you..I feel so..

Thanks Painter for the link..:)