guess what, the Indians who are travelling on the BUSINESS VISAS form India, have to obtain an "Ok To board". It is checked by the airlines, who requests a business visa copy and the copy of the airticket. then the airlines authenticate the business visa, and eventually either grant or deny boarding.
Again, (if you still don't get it), it's done in order to stop illegal visas trafficking. USA citizen wouldn't get into such situation, as USA citizen isn't required to have a prior visa to qatar.
Still don't get it?
you know what one of our employees,the Filipino, told me once? If you r interviewing a Filipino, I can talk to her/him for 4-5 minutes and to identify either his presented Graduation Certificate form the University is real or not. I asked: Is it easy to buy a certificate in Filipines? He said: "Yes, ANY certificate".
So here you go.
Keep arguing and defending the bribery and fraud, on the level of those who publicly admit that their BV is "purchased" on the black market. Duh!
.. I am out of here