tinkerbell10 - Thank you for your opinion, it expresses my thought succinctly. For everyone who believes this is propaganda, yes it is, it's taliban propaganda fashioned to keep the wider world at odds with Islam and to keep war mongers like the taliban on the headlines.
For those that believe people should define Islam different from such stories, you need to understand that people's mind are subjective to what they see and hear, that is why you go out and buy your Toyota truck based on what your neighbor said about it or based on the advert you saw on TV with the truck defeating fantastic obstacles, no one will give you the truck to use for a few months to help you fashion your opinion, you views must be based on how the truck is marketed to you.
The world's view of Islam will alway be based on these negative reports, moderate Muslims should clearly reject this fringe elements, moderate Muslims should not debate if the conditions allows such beastly behavior or not. Say it clear and say it loud - NOT IN MY NAME.