I know a lot of your people who has guy friends,call them everyday and hang out with each other. There's nothing special about this because it's a natural thing to have friends but the unusual thing is that they have a special relationship with there guy friends like those you find between a woman and a man. One of there justifications is that they're lonely. Does this mean you're one of them? How sick is that? And they also pay these so called "guy friends" to be with them if they are "lonely". WTH
I know a lot of your people who has guy friends,call them everyday and hang out with each other. There's nothing special about this because it's a natural thing to have friends but the unusual thing is that they have a special relationship with there guy friends like those you find between a woman and a man. One of there justifications is that they're lonely. Does this mean you're one of them? How sick is that? And they also pay these so called "guy friends" to be with them if they are "lonely". WTH