Incidents of fire aren't new in Doha or any other cities around the world.Hot summer is a catalyst to increased incidents of fire in the urban areas.It could be from overworked and overheated HVAC system,overloading of electrical circuits leading to failure ,heating and fire.
Doha fire department are quite disciplined and well trained to attend to such mishaps.
Fire fighters are screw loose people allover the world and rise to the occasion in saving lives and properties of the residents as witnessed in Villagio last week .They have their limitations and at times,may not be able to rescue all trapped persons in dangerous/hazardous situations.

Availability of cheap and low quality extension wires,plugs,sockets,energy saving bulbs,non standard domestic appliances like sandwich makers,toasters,blenders,room heaters,lamp shades and human forgetfulness in putting off vent fans(one of the biggest culprits) and except glass and steel alll our furnishings are highly flammable(I can go on and on).By the way what about darting that burning cigarette butt in target practice?
What can we do from our side to keep our homes and work place safe?
Is it not my responsiblity to avert such events by being more alert and taking precautions to a plethora of hazardous things around me?
In such situation every second counts and help may be late by a few minutes!
Open your eyes
ACT NOW!!!!!!!!!!