I said this on the thread "Public decency law in Qatar" and I say the same here:Laws are laws. Anyone knows not all laws will appeal or seem fair by everyone. However they are to be followed..period.
As for those Muslimahs who wish to adorn the veil, then it is upon all of them who can and are able, to hold onto patience and do all they can to move to lands where it is legal and permitted. Forget about anyone telling them this, God Himself has commanded us that should we find ourselves oppressed by not being allowed to practice our religion, then we need to make all the efforts to migrate to lands that will give us the rights to do so.
I know of girls back in Belgium, including a very dear friend, who do love veiling but are unable to do so, and it fills me up with admiration to see how much they are trying to leave their lands. My friend is single, and her way of doing so is trying hard to find either a husband or a job in lands that allow veiling.
As for those who want the comforts and benefits of their home land and/or the love of their family and familiar surroundings, then the sad truth is as of now, you just cannot have it both ways.
For the record I do find the law oppressive towards those Muslims who wish to willfully follow an act of the religion, but who's to convince those in power? And as Muslims we know also that when we find ourselves in trials we need to question as to where we wen't wrong. And the harsh truth is that along with many factors, such sanctions have come about due to the misdeeds of Muslims themselves as well. Because you have those misguided and evil individuals who indulge in acts like terrorism, discrimination against women etc, today people around the world are reacting by cutting things off completely, which means even we have to suffer the consequences.. Allahu Must3aan.
A sad sad state of affairs no doubt. But again God is with the patient and strong of will and faith and God helps those who help themselves, and thankfully the earth is indeed spacious!