hi guys, i am experiencing sleep paralysis for over 15 years now, and everytime i feel it i'm so scared, just last month i know the fact about this, i went and search the internet about this, some said its evil entities trying to posses our body other said its normal for all human being and its more to spiritual thing, i tried the second one myself and found things for myself, now i love sleep paralysis and i even induce it, i suggest you guys make research or experiment while you are under sleep paralysis, just think of good things when you cant move and having vibrations and you see what i mean, just dont fight it , just relax and observe the feeling and your thoughts, don't be scared it actually normal, it happens every night when we go to sleep, we only feel sleep paralysis when our body fell asleep first than our mind, but it is normal it happens everytime we sleep, its a sleep process so we don't sleep walk. :)