Since details of this tragedy unfolded I have been battling much emotion and stress too. In fact despite being on QL every now and then I've not been able to post due to my inability to think straight let alone form a sentence. But I am going to make every effort to contribute here:
I know what you mean. Truly. So many things we take for granted that we never know when we might very well lose. God forbid! Every morning before she leaves for school my kiddo tends to irritate me, acting all fussy. So much so that at times I don't even hug or kiss her wholeheartedly, just try to push her outta the door fast. But never again after now,Insha Allah! To think those parents who lost what is more precious than life itself under such shocking a situation, and that they would probably give all they can to have them back but can't, is beyond imagination for me.
And now all I can do is try to be a better parent. A more loving parent and not take for granted the love and presence of my child no matter how irritated and hormonal I may feel.
Death can come to us all anytime. But as a parent to live to see your child go is beyond painful. We all need to take a lesson from this sorrowful event.