Last year the nursery I work at was ordered to do the following
1. Install all the fire up-to-date equipment.
2. Build/install a fire escape
3. All the classes are to be held on the ground floor of the building.
4. A fully functional water sprinkling system.
5. Practice a fire drill as often as possible
This is a VERY low cost nursery but all this was done ASAP regardless of the cost.
Now how can a nursery as expensive as gympanzies have been running without all that, how and who approved them to operate…
Yes we are looking for someone to blame but the management is almost fully to be blamed “I won’t go on as who wants to be deported to our good forsaken countries for freedom of speech.”
Brings me to the other point how is it almost everyone heard and is still hearing updates from international media “I was on my way there when I got a call from my husband that there is a fire at Villagio who saw it on BBC news…