I think the civil defense has a great deal to account for, but the mall owners, shop owners, etc. also have a responsibility to have multiple exits, decent fire alarms and working sprinklers in such places as an interior nursery. The shop assistants should have all been trained with how to handle an evacuation and the mall security should have been trained for the same--and to assist the civil defense. The whole thing could have been prevented a dozen times over if just one person in a chain of managers, owners, etc. had been competent. The legal term for what happened is corporate manslaughter, and in many countries the culprits go to prison and their riches are seized (in China they are executed).

If no one had been killed and this had happened when the mall was closed, we all would be once again laughing on QL at how stupid and incompetent these people all are. But this time we are sadly mourning dead children, underlining the lesson that stupidity, laziness and greed kill.