In recent years all those who were stoned did not receive a fair trial from what I know, hence their sentence itself was wrong. There are certain hadiths that speak of stoning but in all of them those who did it confessed their sins, and despite the Prophet trying to convince them to go back and make repentance they insisted they be punished. Why? Because they truly feared God's punishment on them.
In today's world no one does that. And even if they try to then as Muslims we can talk them out of it and tell them instead to repent and stay away. Mind you my hubby faced this situ with a friend many years back who actually wanted to go all the way to Saudi and asked to be stoned! DH adviced him not to and today he is a good man, and God knows best.
The best advice to Muslims is don't fear the stone, fear God. Stay away from adultery.. Period!