Yes of course you get people who are afraid or couldn't give a hoot, but in that case it's they who are ignorant and not following their religion as it should be. Islam commands us to seek knowledge before even speech and action. The first command revealed by God was "Read" and in another verse "Know La Illaha Illallah" meaning first seek knowledge of why God is God.
And if gaining knowledge is obligated then one of the first areas we need to study up on is the Quran itself. One cannot blind follow in Islam. It is by far an evil act that can bring on a lot of negative repercussions as we can see around the world today with so many misguided Muslims doing the worst of crimes and claiming it to be for the sake of God.
Yes of course you get people who are afraid or couldn't give a hoot, but in that case it's they who are ignorant and not following their religion as it should be. Islam commands us to seek knowledge before even speech and action. The first command revealed by God was "Read" and in another verse "Know La Illaha Illallah" meaning first seek knowledge of why God is God.
And if gaining knowledge is obligated then one of the first areas we need to study up on is the Quran itself. One cannot blind follow in Islam. It is by far an evil act that can bring on a lot of negative repercussions as we can see around the world today with so many misguided Muslims doing the worst of crimes and claiming it to be for the sake of God.