Well, strange spirits have been apart of out family for some time. They are very helpful to us. lol I have never experienced these spirits myself but specific family members have repeatedly spoken about their encounters.

1. Grandmother was about to be hit by a bus. And 'somebody' picked her up and moved her out of the way. Turned around to say thanks but mysteriously no one was there.

2. Grandmother again when she was a child was in her room when a fire started. Freaked out as she was a strange spirit (what she thought was an angel) came down and told her' "Don't be afraid." And she calmed down and she sat down not being afraid. Until her father came breaking down the door screaming like "What the hell is the matter with you!!!" But she just said, "I am not afraid." :D

3. Great Grandmother was about to touch a high voltage wire until she sees this 'angel' spirit sitting right in front of it!

4. My Aunt is a little different hers are more like freaky strange spirits not as helpful as the others. :D Her's are more disturbing the peace by shutting and slamming doors randomly around the house.

And many more of other stories of such experiences. Some are indeed friendly ghosts though! :D