I believe in both are correct in your statements. And Birt has made a very good point.
We as inhabitants of the modern world have every right to express our opinions / views, and/or beliefs.
Just as long as we are doing it a proper manner.
But NM, there is no need to be deliberately inflammatory or to say things specifically to upset those around us or to start fights.
let's say for example that I'm a vegetarian ye, If someone offers me a burger for instance the right way to respond is to simply state that I simply do not eat meat. Not to say that meat is disgusting and rant rave and basically lose it.
But then again, what If that person repeats the same offense over and over again? And he/she claims it's his right and freedom of speech to express his opinions however disturbing to me?
By all means people can say whatever they want but they had better be prepared if others decide to react
I believe in both are correct in your statements. And Birt has made a very good point.
We as inhabitants of the modern world have every right to express our opinions / views, and/or beliefs.
Just as long as we are doing it a proper manner.
But NM, there is no need to be deliberately inflammatory or to say things specifically to upset those around us or to start fights.
let's say for example that I'm a vegetarian ye, If someone offers me a burger for instance the right way to respond is to simply state that I simply do not eat meat. Not to say that meat is disgusting and rant rave and basically lose it.
But then again, what If that person repeats the same offense over and over again? And he/she claims it's his right and freedom of speech to express his opinions however disturbing to me?
By all means people can say whatever they want but they had better be prepared if others decide to react