must be among the hardest decisions lawmakers must face with day in day out. But ultimately the truth is you can never please everybody every time.
On a side note:
With regards to the Danish joke I was honestly one of those who found the entire turbulence unnecessary. Cos if Muslims were to get offended about the cartoons itself then how is it that they were not as upset when Jesus, Moses, and other Prophets were also being joked and made satires. We Muslims are commanded by God to ".. make no distinction between one another of His Messengers" Yet only when Muhammad was caricatured did folks react.
With regards to the reactions itself a truckload of un Islamic acts were committed by the Muslims themselves!
I for one sat and concluded: If while he was alive the Prophet was patient and tolerant even towards those who harmed him physically then how dare we behave otherwise? And besides as for the drawings themselves they couldn't have possibly been of our Prophet, cos except for a few descriptions, there are no pictures of him existing anywhere so no one is to know how he actually looked like. The artists have simply drawn some random Muhammad not The Muhammad! At least that's how I saw it.