Of course multinationals don't care. That's precisely the reason unions exist - to protect the interests of workers from their bosses.
Unions work on the theory that the boss is out to screw you, and that given the power imbalance between a boss and an individual worker, the best way to try to improve conditions is if workers join together and bargain collectively.
Everyone was happy enough buying Apple products even though they knew that they were being made by virtual slaves in Chinese factories. It was only when there was public pressure from consumer groups and employee advocates that Apple pretended to care.
BTW - what is it you'd like me to search for Stealth? Evidence of unions and migrant workers and ? I don't really understand what you're talking about any longer.
Of course multinationals don't care. That's precisely the reason unions exist - to protect the interests of workers from their bosses.
Unions work on the theory that the boss is out to screw you, and that given the power imbalance between a boss and an individual worker, the best way to try to improve conditions is if workers join together and bargain collectively.
Everyone was happy enough buying Apple products even though they knew that they were being made by virtual slaves in Chinese factories. It was only when there was public pressure from consumer groups and employee advocates that Apple pretended to care.
BTW - what is it you'd like me to search for Stealth? Evidence of unions and migrant workers and ? I don't really understand what you're talking about any longer.