Just a lay woman with enough knowledge of the religion to say:
1If your wife cheats on you,you certainly cannot kill her. If you do you are a murderer and will likely get the death penalty. What you can do is divorce her.
2 Suicide bombing is haram and worse than killing yourself because not only did you take your life but you also killed/maimed others. Plenty of righteous Muslim scholars have spoken against this abominable evil act.
3I believe I answered that already in my posts here. There is no evidence that the Prophet ever put to death anyone for blasphemy alone. He only applied the death sentence when it involved murder and looting. but he has pardoned many others despite them committing blasphemy even whilst he was the ruler of Mecca.
Yes a lot of laws carried out in the name of Islam are man made,twisted,taken out of context and completely misquoted. And as time goes by sadly this will keep going from bad to worse. Muslims will divide into more sects than even Jews and Christians. This has been prophesized and is already happening. Trials after trials are befalling Muslims because of among all things the going astray and evil actions of people who call themselves Muslims yet change the words of God and the Prophet.We Muslims believe that until the coming of Jesus(peace be upon Him), who will slay the anti Christ and take over the ruler ship, we will not see the Muslim world ruled exactly according to the Quran and Sunnah.
Just a lay woman with enough knowledge of the religion to say:
1If your wife cheats on you,you certainly cannot kill her. If you do you are a murderer and will likely get the death penalty. What you can do is divorce her.
2 Suicide bombing is haram and worse than killing yourself because not only did you take your life but you also killed/maimed others. Plenty of righteous Muslim scholars have spoken against this abominable evil act.
3I believe I answered that already in my posts here. There is no evidence that the Prophet ever put to death anyone for blasphemy alone. He only applied the death sentence when it involved murder and looting. but he has pardoned many others despite them committing blasphemy even whilst he was the ruler of Mecca.
Yes a lot of laws carried out in the name of Islam are man made,twisted,taken out of context and completely misquoted. And as time goes by sadly this will keep going from bad to worse. Muslims will divide into more sects than even Jews and Christians. This has been prophesized and is already happening. Trials after trials are befalling Muslims because of among all things the going astray and evil actions of people who call themselves Muslims yet change the words of God and the Prophet.We Muslims believe that until the coming of Jesus(peace be upon Him), who will slay the anti Christ and take over the ruler ship, we will not see the Muslim world ruled exactly according to the Quran and Sunnah.