Again, I must start out answering your questions with a question - why? Why come to Doha? The days of the streets being paved with gold for the expat are long since over, except for a very few who are recruited for a specific job with a very specific and rare set of skills and experience. That DOES pay well, no doubt about it. But why would anyone else want to give up a comfortable and stable job and life to come to a country where you will never be at home, can be fired at will and have about the same lifestyle? Also, in IT you are competing with hundreds of thousands of people from Asian countries who will underbid you for the same job. Don't get me wrong, I love the Gulf. I've been in the Gulf since 2001. But if you are taking a pay cut or status cut I'd have to find out why. Your speaking of the salary range does not suggest to me that you are coming in order to share, say, Sheikha Moza's vision for education or women.