".....People are selfish, they can't be trusted to practice manageable breeding themselves, the government needs to enforce it. I think 2 children is a reasonable number......"
I think the government should not play God and let the people make their own decisions.
"....problems associated with overpopulation, like global warming, lack of jobs, food, inadequate healthcare, etc...."
There is no evidence to prove that the lack of food supply is linked to overpopulation.
There is no fixed pie that if there are more people the number of jobs will decrease because human beings when they come to this world they do not just consume they also add value to human race.
Due to technological advancement the amount of food grains produced per square hectare has increased many times over the last 100 years. There is no saturation limit for the advancement of human civilization.
There is enough in this world for everyones need but not for everyones greed.
".....People are selfish, they can't be trusted to practice manageable breeding themselves, the government needs to enforce it. I think 2 children is a reasonable number......"
I think the government should not play God and let the people make their own decisions.
"....problems associated with overpopulation, like global warming, lack of jobs, food, inadequate healthcare, etc...."
There is no evidence to prove that the lack of food supply is linked to overpopulation.
There is no fixed pie that if there are more people the number of jobs will decrease because human beings when they come to this world they do not just consume they also add value to human race.
Due to technological advancement the amount of food grains produced per square hectare has increased many times over the last 100 years. There is no saturation limit for the advancement of human civilization.
There is enough in this world for everyones need but not for everyones greed.