Anyone who assume this kinda stuff does not happen around here, specially in places like nightclubs and spots where alcohol is served, is clearly very naive and misinformed. And why perpetrators mainly chose spots where alcohol is served, is cos it's then easy to pretend their victims are drunk and not actually under the influence of the drug. They then act as though they are the good Samaritans helping their friends get back home, when in actuality they then just whisk them off to where they fancy.
And the worst thing about this drug is many times it can't be traced, and the victims themselves are so comatose they will hardly remember any details of the night before and/or the attacker. Scary!
Years back, long before I got into practicing my religion, we were warned about this from various sources. Thankfully we always had our guards up as a result. For single ladies out there, always remember what mama taught you:don't trust strangers. Never accept drinks from anyone, unless you opened it and poured it yourself, and yes don't trust anyone to refill your drink.
Always guard your drinks at parties and functions.
And careful when you give out personal details about yourself.
Truly we live in fearful times but it pays to stay updated and educated. And never assume any place to be 100% safe...ever!