".....It seems like she can't get past Mona's opinion of niqab, just like insanity, to actually understand what the article is about. Shame...."

Dear mimi, after reading the whole article I have presented two examples in my previous post which point towards her exaggeration/concoction to prove her point.

Also I posted a link with detailed explanation which proves from authentic islamic scriptures that it is the duty of man to satisfy his wife and vice verca.

No one here is debating that female circumcision is bad or that women do not have right to pleasure.

She mentioned story of girls being burnt because of islamists/salafists ideology which prohibit unrelated men from touching women.

Again this is a exaggeration because in Islam, even eating pork is allowed if it is a life and death situation.

So what I am trying to say is that she mentions some valid points but she is trying to portray the muslim society as a whole in bad light and criticizing islam directly and indirectly and linking these evils to islamists worshipping a "misogynist" god.