Wherever we go we seem to gather much curiosity, so many judgmental comments ,so much harshness, so many insults, so many assumptions!So many abuses.. So much oppression!
Muslim men are always quick to point out how hijab is obligatory, yet when it comes to their own prescribed dress code many of them fall short. Oh but yes, they have all the "valid" excuses "we don't do it out of pride" "we need to work" "our bosses don't allow it" or worse still "It's only a sunnah, not obligatory" Puhleeeeeees! So Allah made an obligatory dress code for women and excused men??
Virginity tests? Did the Prophet order them? Nope. Did the Sahabah? Nope surely the next two generations of pious predecessors? nope again. Then why should we do it?? Cos you men don't trust us? Well neither do many women trust men so how ya gonna prove your purity?!But the jokes on the men really cos like it or not Allah will unite people accordingly.
And then you have those non Muslims, who would due to the evil acts of some so called Muslims, tar us all in the same brush. Our hijabs and niqabs are a butt of many a joke. We are called such awful names and some of us have even faced violent attacks. Why? Cos we choose to cover ourselves to please our God?
Oh and then there are those who try to come forward as our saviors. The "remove your hijab and life will be much better" types. No thanks...I'll keep my hijab on and make sure my life still gets better. Deal?
It's a constant fight for us really. A constant struggle..Allahu Must3aan. All we want is to be free and worship our Lord the way He wants us to. Not the way men think we should. Not the way other women think we should. The way Allah thinks we should.
Speaking of freedom. All acts of worship should be done by choice and freewill..period. A woman who wears hijab to please her husband/father/brother etc and not for Allah's sake, will be a worse sinner than the one who knows it's obligatory,respects it but doesn't adorn it herself. Why? Cos the latter is only committing a sin which Allah may or not forgive but the former is commiting shirk!Allah says in the Quran: There is no compulsion in religion(Surah Baqara). This pretty much sums it up!
Come what may, we can only keep up our struggle, from our own weaknesses and demons within ourselves, to those opposing us unjustly. And Insha Allah provided we are always fair and just, we will be of the successful!