as much as i have respect for the stay at home moms who gave up their other careers for their families, i admire moms who work but still fulfill their duties as mothers to their children. my mom is one of them.

it's not just about the money, although it is very important and equally admirable for some of them to sacrifice the most important parts of their children's lives just to ensure that there are enough resources for them to continue to have food on the table and ensure a good life for their kids. and yes, it's hard for the kids as well. i cried hard when i was the only one who didn't have a mother to escort me down the aisle for my first communion because she couldn't leave the office on time. my dad traveled a lot and didn't earn enough then.

it is also important for a mother, as a woman, to feel she is productive. that she can choose to reach her full potential as a human being and her identity is not limited to being simply someone's wife, mother, daughter and sister, although she is also all of those roles at the same time. that she can make something of herself through her own endeavors and achieve some things by herself.