And we should. If a Muslim truly followed his/her faith, then they will know and accept that coexisting with other faiths peacefully is very much a part of our faith. Our Prophet did so up until his death and so did his rightly guided companions. Whilst it is our duty to call people to Islam whenever we can, we are not supposed to mistreat and harm those who those who reject our call. Rather we must always be a good example to them by treating them in the most polite of manners and helping them whenever possible regardless of whether they accept our advises or not.
And yes my family, just like Snessy's is a good example of coexistence. We have all the possible faiths(except for Jews) even among my most closest of family and we all are very much united, and even if we have had our differences and good o'l family spats, faith was never a reason for that!