Hello Trystan, Im living here with my family. My dad earns about $6600 per month all inclusive and we live confortably on this amount but going and dining out in the fancy hotels regularly is out of the question.But this is for a family of 3 Since we enjoy going to nice places and socilaizing and going on holidays my mum has gotten a job now to. So to answer your question, i dont think $8000 is enough to enjoy life here for a family of 5.if schooling is not included, absolutely forget it. We dont worry about this as there are no children to send to school. Qatar, as you know is a rich country so im sure you can find better deals here. All the best xxx
Hello Trystan, Im living here with my family. My dad earns about $6600 per month all inclusive and we live confortably on this amount but going and dining out in the fancy hotels regularly is out of the question.But this is for a family of 3 Since we enjoy going to nice places and socilaizing and going on holidays my mum has gotten a job now to. So to answer your question, i dont think $8000 is enough to enjoy life here for a family of 5.if schooling is not included, absolutely forget it. We dont worry about this as there are no children to send to school. Qatar, as you know is a rich country so im sure you can find better deals here. All the best xxx