lol.. insanityOO7.. just imagine.. thousands of years ago, primitive people were watching incredulously the first women, who combed their hair, and perhaps were whispering: 'see what this slut is doing, combing her hair! why she does not want to look like all of us, the kids of Mother Nature?' And certainly the first combs looked a little different than nowadays, and- made of rough stone - probably were harmful and dangerous enough..
See a bigger picture, darling!
LP, no one is perfect. there is no limit for improving yourself (or ANYTHING in this life!).. If people didn't try to improve everything around and themselves, we still would be sitting in the caves.. so feel grateful, not pity! :)
lol.. insanityOO7.. just imagine.. thousands of years ago, primitive people were watching incredulously the first women, who combed their hair, and perhaps were whispering: 'see what this slut is doing, combing her hair! why she does not want to look like all of us, the kids of Mother Nature?' And certainly the first combs looked a little different than nowadays, and- made of rough stone - probably were harmful and dangerous enough..
See a bigger picture, darling!
LP, no one is perfect. there is no limit for improving yourself (or ANYTHING in this life!).. If people didn't try to improve everything around and themselves, we still would be sitting in the caves.. so feel grateful, not pity! :)