If you are going to Sharq Villiage take the following directions from Muaither:
1) Past Villaggio to Khalifa Stadium
2) Over 3 sets of traffic lights.
3) At 4th set of lights take right onto Express Way
5) Keep Straight - keep in the left hand lane to Wakrah/Wukair
6) Over Traffic lights, 2 Roundabouts and right at the Traffic lights at the end of E-ring Road/Airport Road
7) Over Roundabout
8) At lights for Barwa Villiage(on right), take a left.
9) On Express way until you see signs for Sharq - take right slip.
If you are going to Sharq Villiage take the following directions from Muaither:
1) Past Villaggio to Khalifa Stadium
2) Over 3 sets of traffic lights.
3) At 4th set of lights take right onto Express Way
5) Keep Straight - keep in the left hand lane to Wakrah/Wukair
6) Over Traffic lights, 2 Roundabouts and right at the Traffic lights at the end of E-ring Road/Airport Road
7) Over Roundabout
8) At lights for Barwa Villiage(on right), take a left.
9) On Express way until you see signs for Sharq - take right slip.