2020 now you started bashing the UK hmmm? Which just goes to prove jjj's point all the more...just coz things do not get reported in Qatar as you may think nothing happens if its not on the newspapers u read then it must not be happening...all the statistics u've posted are of reported crimes I'm sure there are plenty others that are not reported there as well.
Point being you sometimes have to realize that there is a world outside your well.
2020 now you started bashing the UK hmmm? Which just goes to prove jjj's point all the more...just coz things do not get reported in Qatar as you may think nothing happens if its not on the newspapers u read then it must not be happening...all the statistics u've posted are of reported crimes I'm sure there are plenty others that are not reported there as well.
Point being you sometimes have to realize that there is a world outside your well.