I have no problem with that - but then, don't you think that should apply to what seems to be the general topic of discussion? Bashing the west?

This is Qatarliving - when I last looked that meant a website for people living in the state of Qatar - that means that like your many Arabic forums, where we know, due to people like Genesis discussing these matter, there is a lot of critism of Qatar and Qatari issues , why should QL be any different when critisizing?

Why, when people talk about local issues, like driving, banning of pork or liquor or even the discussion on Labour laws and practices, do people always jump in to say how much worse it is else where - especially the west?

I have seem far to many threads end up in slagging matches (deleted by mod)

I say it again... This is Qatarliving - for people living in Qatar - this site is for the discussion of things happening in Qatar - Not the US or UK - it'd be called US/UKliving if it was!