My friend.. Peace be Upon you “ Asalam Alikoum”

It is unfortunate when people are being paid based on their nationalities rather than their experiences. It is unfortunate that most Arabs can not look beyond color, race and origin. If you were a true westerner ( Means not a westerner with an Arab/Thired Country origion) with blue eyes, blond hair (Nothing against Westerners, I am just saying) your salary would be between 25,000-35,000QR ++. Muslim World, yet far from Islam. Please read the teachings of Qur’an & Hadiath below.

The Holy Qur’an teaches that people should “fulfill all of your obligations,” said Imam Al-Amin. “An employer is obligated to properly compensate, which is not just about money. We’re talking about providing a good atmosphere; good working conditions, benefits, and allowing a person to have time with their families.” In Islam, perfect honesty is enjoined in all business transactions, including how an employer treats an employee. Those who are in a better financial position and employ others have more responsibility to ensure that they treat people with fairness, remembering that all humanity is one. This principle in Islam is displayed during the annual Hajj (pilgrimage) ritual where people from all walks of life come together shedding their traditional ethnic clothing, jewelry, and all other articles that reveal different levels of social status. This helps to demonstrate that God is the God of all, rich and poor. “Muhammad the Prophet said, ‘Pay the worker while the sweat is still on the brow.’ This speaks of timely compensation,” said Imam Makram Al-Amin.

• Give full measure when you measure out and weigh with a fair balance.
This is fair and better in the end. Holy Qur’an 17:35
• When you hire, compensate the workers and treat them fairly.A Manual of Hadith
• Woe to those that deal in fraud. Those who when they have to receive by measure, from men exact full measure, but when they have to give by measure, or weight to men, give less than due. Holy Qur’an 83:1-3
• Give just measure, and cause no loss (to others by fraud)…. Holy Qur’an 26:181-