Hi there. Sounds like you are after a British curriculum school. I am not sure what curriculum Compass follow but make sure you know what you are getting in to.

As for places and waiting lists, DESS are normally quite responsive, but you have to press them hard. They are worth pushing as they are regularly one of the best schools for results each year. Not too sure about the other schools - IMHO stay clear of Qatar Academy.

Depending on who your husband works for, a lot of employers over here have sponsored places in many schools. That means, that the school can only give that place to an employee of the company. I know QP and the other O&G companies sponsor thousands of school and Uni places every year, so worth checking with your husband's employer. Even if they don't have any sponsored school places, they might well just have a director on the Board of one of the schools, or have a close relationship with a Board member.

Don't give up, and best of luck.