Shaaadaaaap everyone and leave this to the professional here..ME.

Dear OP,

BP is a very complex issue and can come upon a man during various stages and the causes of this can be very complex...a nagging wife, job, kids, friends, landlord or idiot drivers on the roads.

To relieve yourself and have a relaxed mind smoking does help but it should be accompanied with a shot of alcoholic beverage. These two when taken together can cause immediate relaxing effects on the mind.

Cigars are meant for special occasions like when babies are born, you lose your virginity or for ladies like Monica Lewinsky...but lets not get into that since this is a family site.

I'd suggest you start with 3 ciggies a day after food and then gradually move on to one pack. Life is for living, dont take your body parts to the grave unused...but abused!

Yours Truly

Dr. Smoke.