Depends on what you are taking the loan for, how long you want it for, when can you pay back and the amount of loan.
Loans are a way of making money for the banks, either way you will have to pay interest so that they can profit from giving you money. There's no two ways about this. Every scheme they offer will have a hidden cost.
Problem is not getting the loan its paying it back. First see that you are fully able to repay back the amount you are borrowing to avoid penalties and other costs.
Depends on what you are taking the loan for, how long you want it for, when can you pay back and the amount of loan.
Loans are a way of making money for the banks, either way you will have to pay interest so that they can profit from giving you money. There's no two ways about this. Every scheme they offer will have a hidden cost.
Problem is not getting the loan its paying it back. First see that you are fully able to repay back the amount you are borrowing to avoid penalties and other costs.