Mimi, if you hadn't read that post as a formality before you attacked it, you'd realize it wasn't meant for you and only for those who are so inclined faith-wise. Stop being so biased and stereotyping, not to mention hypocritical. Each and every developed nation has raped nature and environment to get to where it is and it's not your place to patronize the emergent ones when it's their turn to use stuff. And 'more children than can be sustained' is a direct attack on Muslims and an extremely narrow minded comment born of hatred/prejudice. And in addressing which, I must inform you that this happens in poor families in poor parts of the world where the kid has to be an 'extra pair of hands' to bring food home. Completely regardless of religion and born of harsh realities. Please keep your vile thoughts to yourself and quit spreading more hate than the world already suffers.