Oh really? Now I am a fitna maker for speaking the truth? Shame on you! Are you not aware of the hadiths and scholarly verdicts severely condemning beating kids, specially striking their faces?Did the Prophet, Peace be upon him, ever slap a child? There are so many hadiths where he commands people to treat kids with kindness and respect. And whilst admonishing kids is obligatory slapping on their faces is sinful and evil! For your kind information I happen to speak with knowledge and not ignorance. And if that makes me "grandma" like, so be it. And may Allah guide you!
Oh really? Now I am a fitna maker for speaking the truth? Shame on you! Are you not aware of the hadiths and scholarly verdicts severely condemning beating kids, specially striking their faces?Did the Prophet, Peace be upon him, ever slap a child? There are so many hadiths where he commands people to treat kids with kindness and respect. And whilst admonishing kids is obligatory slapping on their faces is sinful and evil! For your kind information I happen to speak with knowledge and not ignorance. And if that makes me "grandma" like, so be it. And may Allah guide you!