Like what their life was back home, what their goals and ambitions were in coming here, their lifestyles, beliefs, etc.
Even among my friends(who are from various countries) I see a lot of contrasting views as to how ideal Doha is as an expat destination.
There are things we all agree on. For sure Qatar, like all countries, has it's shares of pros and cons. And how much one appreciates the former and is willing to put up with the latter will again depend on who they are, where they come from,past experiences etc.
For example all my Muslim friends appreciate all Qatar's privileges and are patient with the countries shortcomings mainly due to the fact that it's a Muslim country. However of course my non Muslim companions will not agree with that view. On the other hand I notice majority of my western friends, specially the converts to Islam, are those who never want to go back from where they came from not even for vacation! But many of my Asian friends, who's families are of the same faith as them, and who are close to their parents, siblings,etc, and who have never or hardly encountered any discrimination and bad experiences back in their homeland,tend to want to go home at any given opportunity and also see more negativity in Qatar as well.However I know many of my western friends will also for example be less tolerant to certain downsides of Qatar like it's medical system, schools, etc. This is because where they come from probably had better. Of course this is all based on my personal experiences and not everyone will feel the same.
Even my own sister and I defer on our views of this land. Personally I love it here and don't ever want to go back to SL(yes, really!)despite all the ups and downs we go through in our life here.She loves it here too but doesn't find visiting home such a no no.
So bottom line is Doha will be ideal to some expats, tolerable to some, and Do-hell to others!
Like what their life was back home, what their goals and ambitions were in coming here, their lifestyles, beliefs, etc.
Even among my friends(who are from various countries) I see a lot of contrasting views as to how ideal Doha is as an expat destination.
There are things we all agree on. For sure Qatar, like all countries, has it's shares of pros and cons. And how much one appreciates the former and is willing to put up with the latter will again depend on who they are, where they come from,past experiences etc.
For example all my Muslim friends appreciate all Qatar's privileges and are patient with the countries shortcomings mainly due to the fact that it's a Muslim country. However of course my non Muslim companions will not agree with that view. On the other hand I notice majority of my western friends, specially the converts to Islam, are those who never want to go back from where they came from not even for vacation! But many of my Asian friends, who's families are of the same faith as them, and who are close to their parents, siblings,etc, and who have never or hardly encountered any discrimination and bad experiences back in their homeland,tend to want to go home at any given opportunity and also see more negativity in Qatar as well.However I know many of my western friends will also for example be less tolerant to certain downsides of Qatar like it's medical system, schools, etc. This is because where they come from probably had better. Of course this is all based on my personal experiences and not everyone will feel the same.
Even my own sister and I defer on our views of this land. Personally I love it here and don't ever want to go back to SL(yes, really!)despite all the ups and downs we go through in our life here.She loves it here too but doesn't find visiting home such a no no.
So bottom line is Doha will be ideal to some expats, tolerable to some, and Do-hell to others!