Personally as a Muslimah,since in Islam morals is very much a part of our faith, I'd rather my child actually learn her morals and all aspects of her religion from the Quran and authentic Islamic books and from Islamic scholars who are known to teach the religion correctly, than even from me. I am but a mere human, not devoid of faults and shortcomings hence I'd rather not have her simply mimic me.
Likewise her teachers at school, are also normal lay people specializing in the subjects they are supposed to teach and not scholars of religion and morals. For example her teacher may teach them to respect and behave with kindness towards their mates, but may at times behave on the contrary herself. Kids are smart! They suss things out fast. So whilst I expect her school to educate her in terms of academics, I advice and encourage her to study religion and morals from far more reliable sources.Of course I do try hard to also set a good example, but like I said I am far from being THE ideal role model and I'd love to see my daughter doing better than me.