That looks like how my big sis and I do when we go out together..People are always like "wha??" when they hear we are actually REAL sisters..ha ha! that's not how everyone feels and the so called Sheikh is obviously voicing his own(chauvinism tainted) opinion. We women are NOT candy...sheeesh! that's so degrading really. Our Lord created us for far better things than what this Sheikh is making us out to be. Yes He ordered us hijab, but the reasons for this is also far more greater than us being wrapped candy for men.
And finally anyone and their dad would like to play wise scholar but it takes a lot more than that for anyone to reach the state of wisdom required to be the kind of scholars we Muslims should take our knowledge from. Neither the Prophet, nor his companions, nor the pious scholars of Islam would have responded to the dude the way this "Sheikh" did,Allahu Alam!