Good morning everyone. Looks like we have a pretty decent list to move forward with.

This week I'll be collecting the money, I'll make a separate thread on that so that we can do a coffee meetup and the collection at the same time.

In the mean while a question to the confirmed guests;
1. Do any of you guys have a bbq set.
2. Emergency torch/lamps
3. Ice coolers (just for emergency)

Captain Lost mentioned before that he can arrange bout 3 big coolers, but just in case if you guys know anyone or perhaps have one with you please let me know. This goes for the bbq set and emergency lamps as well, if you have have a torch please carry it along as well might come in handy.

Now i've been getting a few pm's about transportation and I suppose the best way to solve this issue would be if people in need of transportation can taxi it out to the meeting point, which is Family Food Center in Rayyan and then from there we'll put you in the available cars.

Aright stay tuned for the announcement of our coffee meet up this week. If i think of anything else i'll post it here.