I don't think so,there is more than one hippo on here..My sons education is very important and it's the first thing we do when moving is check out the schools in the area..As for the school itself we have had nothing but help, positivity and understanding with regards to certain things..I don't have to go in to details on here to justify anything..It seems you can't defend a school or say it's a good school because others have had a bad experience without being made out your bragging or showing off..I'm sure if your children had got in, wouldn't it then be a wonderful school?..I've met your type before..You can judge me all you like, you don't know me..But i'm really not the type to hide behind a computer to wind people up..I say what i think and you can take that what ever way you like,twist it to mean something it doesn't..Your more than welcome to inbox me,i'd be happy to reply..Enjoy the rest of your day :)