Brother SLman..Salaam alaikum
First of all may I wish you all the best in this trial you are facing. Truly may Allah give you immense sabr and guide you to doing whats right and grant you success in this world and the next..Aameen!
Now let me tell you a story. When I first married my husband, who was a convert to Islam, he was working as as a manager at a very famous Jewelry company in SL(you surely must be knowing the place...hint:S&S) At that time he too had just a trimmed beard and Isbal(meaning wore his pants below his ankle). After marriage we both researched this topic together and found enough evidence from the Quran and Sunnah to prove that growing the beard and wearing the garments above the ankle are in fact obligatory and not just optional.(any Muslim wanting proof please do contact me)
We then were left with the choice of either he choosing to do so and losing his job(he guessed he will be told to leave)OR not doing so, which would have been a sin in Islam. Mind you I was pregnant too by then(we had been married 3 months only) Rest assured we chose the former. We truly believed that by pleasing Allah we will never lose anything..we had strong faith in our decision.
Now...just as expected he was told by his "Muslim" boss to either trim his beard and lengthen his trousers or leave. The dude's exact words were "when in Rome do as the Roman do" Well..Goodbye Rome!
Since then, whilst we did face three months of hardship, what with me being pregnant and he jobless,I'm happy to say that not only did Allah grant us more blessings than we ever had, he also made our lives far more happier and removed from us hardships in ways unbelievable. My husband since then has worked in a far far better workplace in SL itself and finally landed his job here in Qatar where he is not only encouraged to dress the way he wants but has also got immense respect and repute in his workplace..Innal hamdullilah!!
Now my advice to you as a Muslim and as a fellow expat is: Talk to your boss again, get his final verdict. Then make Isthikarah and do whats best. Remember by pleasing Allah you will never this world or the next. And your boss has all the right to tell you what to do so don't try to fight him on this. It's not worth it. Be strong! Remember providence is from Allah. And he will not leave you destitute just cos you did whats right.. Audubillah! Barakhallahu feek.
Sorry for the long post. This is a subject very personal and close to my heart!
Brother SLman..Salaam alaikum
First of all may I wish you all the best in this trial you are facing. Truly may Allah give you immense sabr and guide you to doing whats right and grant you success in this world and the next..Aameen!
Now let me tell you a story. When I first married my husband, who was a convert to Islam, he was working as as a manager at a very famous Jewelry company in SL(you surely must be knowing the place...hint:S&S) At that time he too had just a trimmed beard and Isbal(meaning wore his pants below his ankle). After marriage we both researched this topic together and found enough evidence from the Quran and Sunnah to prove that growing the beard and wearing the garments above the ankle are in fact obligatory and not just optional.(any Muslim wanting proof please do contact me)
We then were left with the choice of either he choosing to do so and losing his job(he guessed he will be told to leave)OR not doing so, which would have been a sin in Islam. Mind you I was pregnant too by then(we had been married 3 months only) Rest assured we chose the former. We truly believed that by pleasing Allah we will never lose anything..we had strong faith in our decision.
Now...just as expected he was told by his "Muslim" boss to either trim his beard and lengthen his trousers or leave. The dude's exact words were "when in Rome do as the Roman do" Well..Goodbye Rome!
Since then, whilst we did face three months of hardship, what with me being pregnant and he jobless,I'm happy to say that not only did Allah grant us more blessings than we ever had, he also made our lives far more happier and removed from us hardships in ways unbelievable. My husband since then has worked in a far far better workplace in SL itself and finally landed his job here in Qatar where he is not only encouraged to dress the way he wants but has also got immense respect and repute in his workplace..Innal hamdullilah!!
Now my advice to you as a Muslim and as a fellow expat is: Talk to your boss again, get his final verdict. Then make Isthikarah and do whats best. Remember by pleasing Allah you will never this world or the next. And your boss has all the right to tell you what to do so don't try to fight him on this. It's not worth it. Be strong! Remember providence is from Allah. And he will not leave you destitute just cos you did whats right.. Audubillah! Barakhallahu feek.
Sorry for the long post. This is a subject very personal and close to my heart!